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Hard Work* Unity* Success* Kindness* Integrity* Empathy* Support*
Daily - 8:20am - 2:40pm
3K & 4K Breakfast 8:20am - Classroom
K-5 Breakfast-7:45am - Cafeteria
Dismissal Procedures
3K & 4K dismissed at classroom door 102,104,106,108
Grade K dismissed at Exit 3 into the small yard
Grades 1 &2 dismissed at Exit 5 into the large yard
Grades 3, 4 &5 dismissed at Exit 3 onto Vermont Street
School Hours
At P.S. 306, all students have a voice and are provided with the highest quality instruction including social and emotional support to promote their highest academic achievement.
The H.U.S.K.I.E.S. will use their individual and collective voices to have their needs met and support members of their community.
All students will develop critical thinking and comprehension skills through annotation. This will be made visible through discourse, written evidence of student learning and peer to peer feedback.
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